Enjoy this beautiful spring weather more by learning how to protect yourself, family members and pets from mosquito and tick-borne diseases!
Mosquito and tick-borne diseases are now endemic in Carlisle and elsewhere in Middlesex County farmacie-romania.com. It is possible to enjoy the outdoors and reduce the risk of contracting a mosquito and tick-borne disease with proper prevention. Early identification and treatment can prevent serious complications.
Matthew Osborne, Mass. Department of Public Health, will report on “Mosquito and Tick-Borne Diseases in People” by providing key State-wide data highlighting what’s common in our area and what is new. Importantly, he will inform about increases in Babesia, Anaplasma, N. Miyamotoi and now the Powassan virus and what you can do to best avoid these harmful and sometimes serious illnesses.
Charles Bradley, DVM, will present on “Current and Emerging Tick and Mosquito Diseases in Pets, Treatments and Protection”. Dr. Bradley has been a practicing veterinarian for 35 years with a background in large animal medicine, veterinary consulting, feline practice, and now a general small animal practice. He is anxious to educate pet owners about tick-borne diseases and how owners can best protect their pets.
There will also be information on Carlisle’s Tick Testing program with the UMass Laboratory of Medical Zoology and general information on personal, property and pet protection.
PLEASE COME JOIN US!! The two educational, interactive presentations will be held on Thursday, April 11 from 7 to 9 PM, at the First Religious Society (Union Hall), 27 School Street, Carlisle, MA.
The event is sponsored by the Carlisle Board of Health and Lyme Disease Subcommittee under a CHNA15 Grant from Lahey Medical Center and Winchester Hospital.