How to Prevent Tick Bites by the Carlisle BOH
Tick Prevention
Prevent infection and bites by wearing long pants with the pants legs tucked into socks. One can also reduce tick exposure by wearing protective clothing/socks impregnated with a tick-insecticide such as permethrin. Shower immediately after outdoor activity.
How does this photo exemplify “what not to do” when walking in the woods?
We live among a growing number of ticks here in the woods of Carlisle, and exploring our beautiful landscape can be nerve-wracking when you think about all the diseases associated with tick bites. Information is power! Dr. Jean J. Barry lives in Carlisle and treats patients with Lyme/Tick borne disease.
Read basic tick prevention tips from Dr. Barry HERE
As a resident of Carlisle and veterinarian, Dr. Charles Bradley wanted to bring the story of tick-borne disease in dogs and cats to his fellow residents. This story is told and retold each day in his dog and cat veterinary practice. Every family has an experience to share and he learns more about tick-borne illness in people and pets each week. There is much information that is well understood and much that is myth and not applicable to animals. Read basic tick prevention tips from Dr. Barry HERE
You can create a “tick-safe zone”
Remove leaf litter Clear tall grasses and brush around homes and at the edge of lawns. Place a 3-ft wide barrier of wood chips or gravel between lawns and wooded areas to restrict tick migration into recreational areas. Mow the lawn frequently. Read more on protecting your property HERE